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19 Dec 2011
Notification of the additional Company's 2012 Holidays
09 Dec 2011
Notification of the Company's 2012 Holidays
08 Dec 2011
Notification the 2nd exercise of warrant
24 Nov 2011
Clarification of over 20% fluctuation in operating result
24 Nov 2011
Reviewed Quarter 3 and Consolidated F/S (F45-3)
23 Nov 2011
Financial Statement Quarter 3/2011
22 Nov 2011
The relocation of Head Office back to original address
14 Nov 2011
Listed companies which delay disclosure of F/S ended 30 Sep 2011
08 Nov 2011
Invitation to shareholders to propose the 2012 Annual General Shareholder's Meeting agenda and Names of Director Nominees in advance
04 Nov 2011
Temporary relocation of Head Office due to the flood situation
10 Aug 2011
Board of Directors Meeting's Resolution No. 3/2011
10 Aug 2011
Clarification of over 20% fluctuation in operating result
10 Aug 2011
Reviewed Quarter 2 and Consolidated F/S (F45-3)
10 Aug 2011
Financial Statement Quarter 2/2011
08 Jul 2011
Result of the 1st exercise of Warrants RS-W2
09 Jun 2011
Notification of the 1st exercise of warrant series 2 (RS-W2)
13 May 2011
Clarification of over 20% fluctuation in operating result
13 May 2011
Reviewed Quarter 1 and Consolidated F/S (F45-3)
13 May 2011
Financial Statement Quarter 1/2011
12 Apr 2011
Dissemination of the Minutes of the AGM Year 2011 on the Company's Website
01 Apr 2011
Notice of the resolutions of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders Year 2011
08 Mar 2011
Change the venue of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders Year 2011
28 Feb 2011
Dissemination of the Invitation Letter of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders Year 2011 on the Company's Website
23 Feb 2011
Clarification of over 20% fluctuation in operating result For the year ended December 31, 2010
23 Feb 2011
Audited Yearly and Consolidated F/S (F45-3)
23 Feb 2011
Board of Directors Meeting's Resolution No. 1/2011
23 Feb 2011
Financial Statement Yearly 2010
26 Jan 2011
New shares' RS to be trade on 28 January 2011
25 Jan 2011
Result of the last exercise of Warrants RS-W1