The robust growth of 400% of Satellite TV boosts RS revenue in 2011 to 2.7 billion baht. RS also announced the dividend payment and the stock buy back program.

BackFeb 27, 2012

Media giant RS announced 2011 financial results by recording revenue of 2.76 billion baht and net profit of 209.35 million baht. The strong financial figures led by the satellite TV, which grew higher than the industry. The strong financial performance is leading the dividend payment to stakeholders and the Shares Repurchase Project.

Lat Prao - Darm Nana, Chief Financial Officer of RS, revealed the operating results in 2011 that the company has revenue of 2.76 billion baht. Exclude revenue from broadcasting the FIFA World Cup, RS's revenue grew by 17.22% and net profit was 209.35 million baht.

The showbiz and the media are remaining key drivers of the growth of revenue in 2011. The showbiz business in 2011 has revenue of more than 814.14 million baht, rose by 52.64% thanks to concerts and events organizations especially the RAPTOR2011 THE CONCERT which achieved in term of number of audiences and revenue from distribution channels. The achievement led the return of the RAPTOR 2012 ENCORE CONCERT, which will be organized on April 21 at Impact Arena Muangthong Thani. Ticket prices start at 500 baht / 800 baht/ 1,000 baht/ 1,500 baht/ 2,000 baht/ 2,500 baht, the public sale will be kicked off on March 10 onward at Thaiticketmajor.

To the media business, even it was affected by the massive flood in the fourth quarter of 2011, the business can grow by 4% during the period due mainly to the satellite TV, which showed the skyrocketing growth of 146%, as a result, revenue of satellite TV of RS throughout the year 2011 soared by 467% against the growth of satellite TV industry which estimated to increase nearly 100%.

Sabaidee TV and YOU Channel are able to be the No.1 in each audience segments in many consecutive years, following to the research by Nielsen Thailand. While, Channel 8, which launched the new programs in the second phase with the television drama entitled "Thong Prakai Sad", only one week of airing, founded that the feedback from audiences was higher than the expected. The number of audiences has doubled during the broadcasting program.

Channel 8 is also airing new content programs including quality TV dramas, which RS is confidence it is not difficult for Channel 8 to be most popular TV in term of rating.

YAAK TV, the variety of shows TV for teenagers, is another channel that becomes a popular channel and can quickly access teenagers after broadcasting social network such as facebook and twitter to interactive through satellite TV under the platform of Social Screen.

To make reward to stakeholders, RS's board of directors approved the dividend payment at the rate of 5 satang per share. RS previously paid interim dividend at 10 satang each, as a result, the annual dividend is 15 satang per share. The dividend yield is 5%.

With a strong financial status of RS, therefore, the company plans to allocate cash of 75 million baht to repurchase shares, which the shares repurchase program would increase the yield to stakeholders, and increase the company's return on equity (ROE) and earnings per share (EPS).

The shares repurchase program would be proposed to RS shareholders in the Annual General Shareholders' Meeting on April 19, 2012.

"Despite the flood effect, the operating results of RS in 2011 were impressive. We can able to do businesses very well; as a result, both showbiz and media have rapidly growth of revenues particularly the satellite TV that grew higher than the industry and we believe the satellite TV remains to be a key driver of RS growth. We are confidence the year 2012 is another year to grow and create the best return on equity to our shareholders," Darm said.