Thailand's look tung's market leader, R-siam, a subsidiary of RS reveals that the overall direction of this year's song is based on audience lifestyle. The way of life and audiences are the key factors to set song's theme and style. With its audiences in hand as well as new segment of contemporary look tung market enhancing, plus "one stop service music marketing", the company expects to generate Bt640 million.
Mr. Soopachai Nillawan, Executive Vice President Country Music/Music Business and R- siam's managing director said that according to the fast moving of global music, Thai listeners now have more accessible choices to get new variety kinds of music both local and international. To be permanently successful music company, R-siam has to keep the company always update with the lifestyle changing. Like any genre of music, country song or look tung also changes from traditional Thai look tung to contemporary Thai look tung. Lifestyle of people from all walks of life is the main message R-siam will convey. The aggressive marketing strategies also include constantly giving birth to new and talented singers and one stop service music marketing which will looking for business partner to join hand under the 360 degree revenue management. With the company's strength and number of artists, clients can select the most effective way to advertise their products featuring presenters, roadshow, concert or product tie-in in music video. This year's target is to hit Bt640 million.
Soopachai said that look tung music is now changing from last decade bearing local image to be more modernize. It's now win audience's heart all over the kingdom thanks to advanced technology and new genres of look tung music such as look tung pop, Korean look tung and contemporary look tung. Among the estimated of Bt1,500 millions of total market, R-siam holds 40% market share. This billing comes equally from provincial and Bangkok. Proportion selling of physical segment (CD and VCD) comparing with digital segment has been changed from 80:20 to 45:55 due to the moving of high technology and audience lifestyle. It's expected to generate Bt640 million this year or 20 % growth from last year. The key strategy is "one stop service music marketing" which comes up with the company's strength in perfect content. Digital business shares the most profit of 30% while physical segment including CD, VCD, DVD and MP3 is supposed to gain 23% of total income. Marketing activity will gain 9%, advertisement through satellite Sabaidee channel 26%, copy right fee 7% and earnings make from R-siam's artists performing fee 5%. However, the most strong point is to keep updating with trend, lifestyle and movement to create look tung music that touches nationwide target no matter what sex, age and career they are. As Thailand's look tung leader, R-siam now has numbers of quality look tung singers covering every region from north to south, central to northeast.
State-of-the-art technology helps reduce cost and make more profit. The successful project is *339 Super Mao online allowing subscribers to download music to mobile phone and computer. R Siam shares 35% of total income. Moreover, advanced technology helps promote digital business by building more kinds of target and making content accessible among subscribers.
"R-siam is active, well-prepared and open-minded. We keep on moving along our audience. Time and lifestyle rule the market. With last year 45% growth and 120% of profit, it meets our satisfaction. It's also claimed to be the most profit we gained," says Soopachai.